Aaron Courville

Aaron Courville

Aaron Courville is an Associate Professor in the Dpartment of Computer Science and Operations Research (DIRO) at the Université de Montréal. He received his PhD from the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. He is a founding member of Mila and a fellow of the CIFAR program on Learning in Machines and Brains. Together with Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio, he co-wrote the seminal textbook on Deep Learning. His current research interests focus on the development of Deep Learning models and methods. He is particularly interested in the study of systematic generalization within neural networks, but he is also interested in deep generative model and multimodal ML with applications such as computer vision and natural language processing. Aaron holds a CIFAR Canadian AI chair and his research has been supported by Microsoft Research, Hitachi, Samsung and a Google Focussed Research Award.

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