Austin Grossman

Austin Grossman

Austin Grossman is the author of three novels: SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE, YOU, and CROOKED.

In 2007 he published his first novel, SOON I WILL BE INVINCIBLE, a hilarious, literary psychologically acute take on the superhero genre in the vein of Alan Moore's Watchmen, which the New York Times called "Imaginative and, at times, achingly real." It was nominated for the Center for Fiction's John Sargent, Sr. First Novel Prize.

His second novel, YOU, is another literary take on a genre - a mystery that takes you inside the world of video games and profesional game development - the Boston Globe calls it "a razor-sharp comedy" and Harper's Magazine writes, "Some of the most startling, acute writing on video games yet essayed."

CROOKED is the story of how Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon stumbled into the hidden supernatural truth behind what we know as the Cold War, a conspiracy to weaponize the Lovecraftian beings and forces that lie beneath our world. Trapped in a double life, he struggles to save his presidency, his marriage, and the country itself. We learn that America's worst president may perhaps have been its greatest.

Along the way, Grossman earned a Master's in Performance Studies at NYU, and is currently ABD at the University of California, Berkeley, in English Literature.

After graduating from Harvard in 1992, he failed to get a job in publishing and found a job at a small computer game company, Looking Glass Studios, which was already become a legendary center of talent and innovation in the gaming world. Grossman went on to write and design for games such as Ultima Underworld 2, System Shock, Jurassic Park: Trespasser, Deus Ex, Disney's Epic Mickey, and most recently, Dishonored.

Books Austin Grossman has authored

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